Welcome to A Truant Disposition, the official site for author Ainy Rainwater.
If you ended up here because you visited one of my other sites and are wondering what just happened....I have, at least at the present time, eliminated my Gymshoes Music and Idiolith sites, which were hosted on another server. As Idiolith dealt primarily with my books, you can find them here. Unfortunately, my music is no longer available---and hasn't been for some time---which is why that site has finally gone away. There was a bit of free non-music content on the site and it may turn up here eventually!
I have eliminated my Patreon. My heartfelt thanks to all who supported me in this venture!
The forum is not only site members-only, it's also invitation-only. Initially inaugurated by my writing group, it's now open to my other friends. We have no plans to open it up to the general public or make it public: the 24/7 admin that would require just isn't possible for one person who has a real life. 😊
The Truant

Hi, there!
I write mostly light escapist fiction, usually character-oriented science fiction or contemporary fantasy. For more about me and my "truant disposition" see Rainwater.
My blog here is Idleness. Content varies quite a bit from personal posts to essays on whatever topic catches my fancy.
I write a lot for my Patreon, mostly fiction--short stories, Patreon-exclusive series, novels in progress, character sketches and scenes not yet attached to any project, as well as posts which are supplementary to or background for my books. If you're looking for more of those extras (and lots of fiction!), or you just don't want wait for the next book to read assorted adventures, please consider subscribing. Tiers start at $1 and you get a lot of bang for your buck!
I also write book reviews (and other bookish posts) for the $5 "Bookaroo" Patreon tier, so there won't be much of that on the blog. Subscribers to that tier get ALL the fiction in all the lower tiers as well, so you're getting much more than book reviews.
I enjoy chatting with readers. I'm most active and responsive on Patreon, but I'm also on Facebook , Twitter, and Instagram.
This website (among other things) is funded by my Patreon. I'm very grateful to my subscribers for making it possible to move, redesign, and upgrade this site so that I have less aggravation and more time for writing. Thank you all!
Ainy Rainwater
aka "The Truant"